If you are looking for an owner’s manual, you can download a copy from our website. To find the user manuals, please see our Outdoor Products and Indoor Products to find your specific model.
Do I need a Filter?
Yes the in-line filter keeps the minerals & calcium deposits from building up in the machine. Filters can be bought at any hardware store
How to remove the sticker Easily
Temperature changes make the adhesive stick to the unit. The easiest way to remove is by using heat (Blow Dryer). Once the glue is warm it is easier to remove. Any film or glue can be removed by using Goo-Gone or using the finest wool pad and stainless steel cleaner. (Wool Pads can be purchased at any hardware store).
Why do I have an Ice Block on the Grid?
The evaporator sensor has taken a surge and needs to be replaced.
If you are looking for a replacement part, please see our Parts Section.
If you still have questions, please Contact Us